Snack tiffins – Stainless Steel Containers for your dry fruits and snacks

Snack tiffins – Stainless Steel Containers for your dry fruits and snacks

As the present-world is at its tipping point at the moment, especially as far as the environment is concerned, it is the most significant period to bring change to save our existence. Never before has humankind had such a substantial amount of impact on climate change. Our dependence on the petroleum goods industry and plastic energy has pushed the world to the edge of a natural catastrophe. 

With the money wasted on grab-and-go plastic containers, it continues to wreak havoc on the planet. It truly is high time you invest in products that are not harming the environment and reduce the use of plastic.

Options vary across the market, from sleek and manageable bamboo containers to silicone, without BPA plastic and glass. Depending on whether you will use it to store snacks only or like to transport it along with you. It’s imperative to distinguish whether the container you picked can be used in a microwave or refrigerant.  

In regards to that, Stainless steel containers seem like the appropriate choice. There are many choices available for individuals to decrease their carbon footprint and improve the degrading environment condition. The most straightforward way is to harness your purchasing power and ensure you are investing in environmentally friendly products. 

Why not plastic? 

Stainless steel containers are a hundred times more environmentally friendly than plastic tiffins would ever be. Plastic is certainly not a sustainable asset, isn’t biodegradable; only 9% is recyclable and can be harmful to the human body. Usually, plastic, that isn’t BPA-free is a sub-par item for storing food of any kind; this is particularly important if you’re attempting to minimize adversely affecting the environment. 

Benefits of stainless steel utensils –

  • Stainless steel dabbas are sturdy and hygienic as it doesn’t culture microscopic organisms or move scents as plastic does.
  • They are easier to clean and stays spotless after washing, unlike plastic containers whose colour fades away after a while.
  • Due to its sturdy nature, there won’t be any need to replace stainless steel tiffins.
  • Steel is protected, meaning it manages the temperature of your food that saves energy after some time. Meaning you can carry your hot meals for snacking while it is raining and still enjoy them warm. Even your nuts and crisps all stay fresh, and you can devour them whenever you want!
  • Stainless steel is recyclable. On the off chance, if you throw it away, it can always be reused, regardless of how wrecked it is. The majority of plastic cannot be recycled at all.

With numerous advantages, including the safety of your wellbeing, stainless steel containers are your most reliable option, both for your kitchen and for you to carry. Here are some great tiffins to store your varieties of snacks:   

  1. See-through Tiffin – A see-through Dabba is excellent for storing dry fruits or different snacks. As the lid is made of a transparent material, you will not have to open each Dabba individually to find a particular snack. 
  2. Flat Dabba – As the name predicts, the tiffin is thinner than most containers allowing you to stack them in a crapped up space. It is excellent for organizing dry fruits, snacks, and chocolates. 
  3. Round stainless steel tiffin – This type of tiffin allows you to store the right quantity of food for a more extended period. They are easier to carry as the lid is airtight and doesn’t accidentally open inside your bag. 
  4. Handle Tiffin – This Dabba is a kid favorite as it is airtight as well as easier to open. So that kids can steal as much as cookies they would love. 
  5. Ferrari Dabba – This is so commonly used to store food and snacks. Ferrari Dabba is round and wide in shape, making it more spacious.

To shop for this fantastic variety of stainless steel tiffins, you can visit

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